Wednesday, February 26, 2014

"Classic Grunge"



Jumpers are so fun to wear, but finding the perfect fit is very important. If not done well it's very possible to end up looking like your going to milk a cow on a farm! I have been looking for a jumper for some time now, since it's now "cool" again to wear them. I found this one for $11 bucks. Talk about a bargain find, right!!! 

Jumper: Wet, t-shirt: Forever 21, shoes:Shoe dazzle 

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Electrifying Blues

There is a light at the end of the tunnel. I can finally see it. I have 2 more months left of school until I'm officially a college grad. This is going to be a challenging term for me but I can assure you its going to be the one that creates the person I dream of becoming. I also have an internship and a portfolio class with lots of work but I'm  to stay positive. "I can do It". I'm also currently working  on a business plan for my image consulting business I would like to get of the ground running. My business planning class will surely help me to accomplish that. See, I told you... I have a lot to accomplish in two months!
I have to mention that I made major changes to my blog if you haven't noticed! I wanted to take the next step up and create a blog that suits me. Everyone that knows me well can assure you I'm always professional and classy anything is my game! Just saying.... don't want to  brag, but I love anything polished and of course girly. Feel free to read the pages attach to this blog and get to know me a little better.
Lately I have been into wearing different kinds of dress pants. There is something about a  perfectly seamed dress pant. I think it screams sophistication without even trying. Credits for the outfit are listed below the pictures and feel free to leave comments and subscribe to my blog via email. Thanks for reading.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

"Valentine's Day"

Spent Valentine's day out with my love ones. We went for frozen yogurt and good conversation instead of a over crowded restaurant and missing our munchkin! I went for a cute, laid back outfit instead of a over the top traditionally evening wear.  Hope everyone enjoyed themselves and received all what your heart desired!

Quote of the day: "The best thing to hold onto in life is each other." -Audrey Hepburn

Outfit Credits
Dress- H&M
Boot- JCPenney

Monday, February 10, 2014

"A Hepburn Reflection"

I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day, and I believe in miracles.— Audrey Hepburn

I'm a lover of life and very grateful for the gifts that comes along with it. Obstacles are just hurdles put in front of us to build up resistance and makes you even stronger than before. The key to life is appreciation. Appreciate what you have and remember there is no competition with anyone else beside yourself. Strive to be a better you in everything you do and of course... Think positive, be positive and life will be worth much more. I know I will! 

My outfit of the day represents freedom and self expression. Audrey Hepburn was not only a actress but a humanitarian. She believed in happiness, life, and of course style. She is one of the few I have on my list who I secretly wished I could have been born back then to be able to meet! This list includes Coco Chanel and Jackie Kennedy.


Outfit Details 
Blazer: Vintage
Audrey t-shirt- Forever 21
Jeans(Boyfriend Skinny) - JCPenney
Purse- EBay