Monday, August 19, 2013

"White Passion"

Hello Loves,
I have a special outfit post for you. I don't usually go to parties but as I stated in my last post, I am on a break from school, so I decided to enjoy! I had this dress for a little while now and I knew I had to wear it before we say goodbye to summer. I have also been working on my fitness and I felt it was time to show off my somewhat toned, kickboxing legs in this number!
This is an all white cut out, skater dress. I'm so in love with it. I paired it with my neon pink pumps and a pink envelope purse, which I had for forever and a day now. Hope you have a bless day everyone. Please feel free to leave comments (Feedback is essential) and follow my blog for updates.

Quote of the day: A change in behavior begins with a change in the heart.

Outfit Details: Dress: Charlotte Russe, Shoes: Shoe Dazzle, Purse: Vintage

"Vintage Sunshine"


Hope all is well with everyone. I am officially on a two week break from school, yeppeee! My weekend was relaxing with the family. My grades were great once again! School is not easy but its well worth the hardship. Determination is the key to success. you have to push through the difficult times because giving up is not an option. These are my constant thoughts that I use to continue. everyday life trails will always try to bring you down but your stronger than you think. It very important to remember that loves!
On another note, I finally wore this vintage high waist skirt  I was working out to fit in! It fits now and I am SUPER HAPPY! This goes to show determination and having motivation helps you push through the hardship! I paired it with a cute crop top and my favorite nude pumps. Well that's all for now my loves. Please feel free to leave comments and follow my blog for updates. Thank you and have a bless day.

Outfit details: Crop top: Charlotte Russe, Vintage Skirt: Ebay, Shoes: Forever 21, Purse: H&M

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

"Sweet Poka Dot Fantasy"


Hello loves,

I am in a great mood. Its a marvelous day and its getting much closer to a two week break from school! Yeah! Its well needed and highly appreciated I must say! I had a final presentation today so I wanted to keep it classy with a fun punch, so I added my super cute neon pumps. Hope all is well with everyone.

Outfit Details- Dress- H&M, Shoes- Shoe dazzle, Purse- EBay

Sunday, August 11, 2013

"Saucy nights"


Hello Loves,

I know its been a while!!! I have been working on final projects for school, which takes up all my time. Hope all is well with everyone. I will be back to blogging regular once this week runs off. I had a lovely date night out with my two special love ones last night.

I have been a little shorts crazy lately. I will blame it on my kickboxing workout routine, which have my legs coming out for a spin more often!

Quote of the day: Believe in yourself, and the rest will fall into place. Have faith in your own abilities, work hard, and there is nothing you cannot accomplish.

Outfit Details: Top & Bottom- H&M, Purse- H&M, Shoes- Forever 21